Well Fed Can Cook Visit

Cllr Carolyn Preece and Cllr Dan Rose went on a visit to the  Well Feed unit on the industrial estate in Queensferry. We met with Robbie Davison, who is one of the directors. 

Well fed is a charity which was started in 2019 through a partnership with ClwydAlyn & Flintshire County Council in 2019 to undertake commercial contracts for the delivery of foods on & to tackle food poverty across Flintshire & North Wales.

They provide good quality, additive free, fresh food using locally sourced, sustainable produce to schools, nurseries, care settings and into people’s homes; feeding everybody well. Their mission is to ‘connect people through good food’; so we’re utilising our operations to tackle food poverty, donating meals to people in crisis and creating living wage jobs along the way. 

They discussed slow cooker, cookery sessions to take place at Westwood school and for the mobile van to stop at the school once a week to support residents in the community.

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