Spring Clean Cymru Week a success for Buckley Bistre West

Buckley witnessed a remarkable display of community spirit as residents came together to clean up two major areas: Westwood Primary School and the Becketts Lane footpath. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Keep Wales Tidy, Keep Flintshire Tidy, Westwood School Teachers, Governors and Pupils, Wales & West Housing Group, and countless volunteers, we were able to achieve what seemed like an impossible task.

🚲3 x bikes

🛒4.5 x trolleys, including a relic from the bygone era – a Kwicksave trolley!

🏍1 x motorbike

🛴1 x scooter

🛞8 x Tyres

📺2 x TVs

🪑3 x Chairs

🛏2 x metal bedframes and a metal headboard

⛳️6 x Golfballs and golf clubs

🧳2 x suitcase satchel bags

🧃🍶🎲Shoes, wellies, countless plastic bottles, metal cans, toys, wrappers and binbags.

🍺An expired beer can from 1992 (yikes!)

🦺And that’s not all! TWO x 8-tonne skips FULL of rubbish and a whole flatbed loader of metal were also hauled away!

This accomplishment is not only a testament to the hard work of our volunteers but also a reflection of the community’s growing awareness of environmental issues. By taking action to clean up our local areas, we are sending a powerful message that we care about the health and well-being of our environment.

As we move forward, let us continue to build on this momentum and create a culture of respect for our natural surroundings. Let’s make springtime a time for renewal and regeneration, not simply a season for cleaning up the mess left behind.

A special thank you also goes out to Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru / Natural Resources Wales for their swift response to the oil contamination in the brook. While the investigation confirmed it was historical contamination, their efforts to assess the situation and provide guidance were invaluable.

Together, we can make a lasting difference in our community and create a brighter future for generations to come.

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