Mini Police and MS visit Warm Rooms
Mini Police visited to the Warm Room attended by 22 mini police from Westwood school…
Visit to North Wales Police HQ
Cllrs Carolyn Preece and Cllr Dan Rose were invited to visit the North Wales Police…
Nearly £5000 to support Buckley Projects
Thanks to Toyota UK Charitable Trust, we’ve successfully applied for agrant to expand our Warm…
Buckley Half Term Pancake Day special event a flippin’ great success
Cllr Ian Howes, Cllr Carolyn Preece & Cllr Dan Rose with just some of the…
Flintshire Citizens Advice open drop-in in Buckley
In response to the Cost of Living Crisis, Citizens Advice Flintshire is adding some new…
Cruel use of animals at events in Flintshire banned
Flintshire County Council – Tuesday 13 December 2022, 2:00pm – Flintshire County Council Webcasts Speech…
Buckley Warm Rooms a Success
In their fourth week Buckley Councillors are thanking all that have made the warm room…
Well Fed Can Cook Visit
Cllr Carolyn Preece and Cllr Dan Rose went on a visit to the Well Feed…
Cllrs Dan Rose and Carolyn Preece welcome Minister for Health to Marleyfield
Marleyfield official opening of the £8.4 million expanded and redeveloped Marleyfield House was officially opened…
Flintshire Welsh Labour Councillors Attend Cost of Living Outreach Event from Flintshire Citizens Advice Bureau
Welsh Labour councillors have demonstrated their commitment to supporting local communities by attending a cost…
Buckley councillor fosters 46 ferrets under RSPCA ‘Adoptober’ campaign
COUNTY Councillor who has fostered almost 50 ferrets for the RSPCA has a special plan…
Goldfish aren’t prizes
I’m pleased to say I had unanimous support from Buckley Town Council, who have agreed…
The Rise opens in Buckley
It was great to congratulate Sam on the opening of his cafe The Rise, community…
Over 100 pairs of glasses saved from landfill
Over 100 pairs of glasses, with help from the Lions Club, were saved from landfill…