Buckley Warm Room, one of the first warm rooms setup in Flintshire by Cllrs Carolyn Preece, Dan Rose and Ian Howes, who between them have kept the Buckley Warm Room open every Tuesday at the Old Swimming
Baths since November 2022.
The special one off event was able to provide all attendees with free pancakes, along with a choice of topping and a free book to all children under 12. This is on top of the usual Warm Room facilities with free tea, coffee, biscuits and cuppa soups.
Cllr Preece said “I was amazed at just how many people came, all really enthusiastic and children loved the books, we had several reading them before they left. By the end of the day we saw nearly 100 people come through the doors!”
A thanks must be given to the sponsors of the event, owners of Broughton Shopping Park, who have sponsored us via The Literacy Trust to provide 120 free books for children. Over £900 worth of books were provided under the Young Readers Program, which has celebrated 25 years of work improving children’s
literacy. All unclaimed books are being donated directly to Westwood Primary School in Buckley.
Cllr Ian Howes said “It’s great to see our usual Warm Room attendees supporting the event, we had a great time this morning helping setup the room and stacking up all the books ready for the children to select. I’m very glad we had enough pancakes!”
Hanson Cement and Iceland Foods Buckley donated all the food needed to provide pancakes and toppings for everyone attending, including the adults. While TN Bargains and Premier vend supplied plates and cups. These generous donations are what enables events like this to continue.
Cllr Dan Rose said “It’s great to know that our work in Buckley has been recognised by local businesses who are putting their backing behind investment in Buckley and their confidence in our organising.”
Cllr Carolyn Preece, Cllr Dan Rose and Cllr Ian Howes would also like to thank volunteers who helped on the day and supported in the background. They’re looking forward to organising future events with similar success
Anyone interested in attending the Buckley Warm Room can do on Tuesday Morning from 9.30am